- We just released shogun 3.0! check it out. More... 2013-10-29
- SHOGUN has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2013. Check out our ideas list and if you are a talented student, consider applying! More... 2013-04-08
- We are organizing the Shogun Toolbox Days 2013 on July 2013 in C-Base Berlin, Germany. More... 2013-01-23
- Shogun has received an outstanding 9 slots in this years google summer of code. More... 2012-04-26
- SHOGUN has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2012. Check out our ideas list and if you are a talented student, consider applying! More... 2012-03-18
- We have released version 1.0.0 of our SHOGUN machine learning toolbox that contains all the cool new features that the students implemented during google summer of code. 2011-09-01
- Our paper on Lp-Norm Multiple Kernel Learning has just appeared in JMLR. It is accompanied with source code and data and of course on efficient implementation is available in shogun. 2011-04-05
- SHOGUN has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2011. Check out our ideas list and if you are a student, consider applying! 2011-03-30
- We have released mldata.org a new community portal to collaboratively upload and define datasets, tasks, methods and challenges. More... 2010-12-08
- I will present the LaLoCo framework (La=Latency, Lo=Locality, Co=Concurrency) for large scale learning at the NIPS*2010 Learning on Cores, Clusters and Clouds workshop. 2010-11-15
- I am one of the two German computer scientists, who got nominated for the 2010 ERCIM Cor Baayen Award. While I didn't get the prize I was among the twelve Finalists. 2010-10-21
- We are editing a JMLR special topic on multiple kernel learning and are awaiting your contributions! 2010-10-20
- We will be presenting the machine learning data set repository mldata.org at NIPS*2010 also at the demo session. More... 2010-10-12
- We (Gunnar and myself) will present SHOGUN at the NIPS*2010 demo session. 2010-10-12
- We are organizing a workshop on New Directions in Multiple Kernel Learning at the NIPS Conference to be held on December 11 in Whistler BC, Canada. Notice the call for contributions! 2010-09-01
- My shogun talk given at europython 2010 is now available as a video lecture and so is Christian Widmer's shogun talk given at scipy 2010. Find his video lecture here. 2010-08-31
- Slides and demo of the SHOGUN EuroPython 2010 presentation are now available. 2010-07-22
- SHOGUN has finally been published in the Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2010-07-08
- SHOGUN has been accepted for presentation at EuroPython 2010. 2010-05-21
- The schedule for the Machine Learning Open Source Software Workshop on June 25, 2010 is now available! 2010-05-17
- Supplementary website to "COFFIN : A Computational Framework for Linear SVMs" and the final paper are now available. More... 2010-05-05
- SHOGUN has been accepted for presentation at Scipy 2010. 2010-04-24
- Our paper "COFFIN : A Computational Framework for Linear SVMs" has been accepted for presentation at ICML 2010. 2010-04-17
- We are organizing a workshop on Machine Learning Open Source Software at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2010) on June 25, 2010 - don't miss this event! 2010-04-11
- SHOGUN has been accepted for presentation at useR!2010. 2010-03-15
- New Django based web-site design online. 2009-11-25
- Together with Gunnar Rätsch I was giving a tutorial on "Support Vector Machines and Kernels" at ISMB'09. The Tutorial Slides ans supplementary material is now available. 2009-05-25
- My PhD Thesis got nominated by the TU-Berlin for the Gesellschaft für Informatik Dissertationspreis 2008 2009-02-23
- I finally finished my PhD thesis entitled "Machine Learning for Genomic Sequence Analysis." Check it out under publications 2008-12-19