Education and Qualifications
1997 - 2002 | Humboldt-University, Berlin major course: Computer Science minor course: Physics (specialized in Graphs and Algorithms, AI, Signal Processing) voluntary: English |
1999 | Vordiplom in Computer Science |
July 2002 | Diplom in Computer Science |
Dezember 2008 | Doctorial Thesis "Machine Learning for Genomic Sequence Analysis" at the Technische Universität Berlin (graduation to Dr. rer. nat. with mark summa cum laude) |
Work Experience
September 1997 | Internship at TERRATOOLS (Game Development) |
1998 | Internship at Fraunhofer IPK, Research Project Process Optimization |
1999 | Internship at the Institute for Meteorology at the Free University Berlin, 3D Weather Visualization |
1999 - 2002 | Internship at GMD in the Intelligent Data Analysis group (IDA) |
2002 - 2004 | Project work and System administration at the IDA group at Fraunhofer FIRST |
2005 - 2008 | Research scientist at Fraunhofer FIRST.IDA and TU-Berlin |
January 2009 | Postdoc at the Fraunhofer-Institute FIRST |
February-September 2009 | Postdoc at the Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratory of the Max Planck Society |
2009-2011 | Postdoc at the Berlin Institute of Technologie |
Since September 2011 | Senior Software Developer/Algorithm Engineer at TomTom |
- PhD Thesis got nominated by the TU-Berlin for the Gesellschaft für Informatik Dissertationspreis 2008
- Outstanding Student Paper Award at ISMB 2008
- Hugo-Geiger Preis 2003 for my Diploma Thesis (FHG Pressemitteilung (pdf), FIRST Pressemitteilung (html))
- Institutspreis Informatik 2003 for Diploma Thesis "New Methods for Splice Site Recognition"
Services to the Research Community
- Main author of the shogun machine learning toolbox (a bioinformatics toolbox with focus on large scale kernel methods,
- JMLR Action Editor of the Machine Learning Open Source Software track
- Co-organizer of the large scale learning challenge and workshop
- Co-organizer of NIPS workshops on Machine Learning Open Source Software
- Reviews for: IEEE-(TPAMI,CVI,TNN,SP,TCBB), JMLR, ICML, ECML, Neural Computation, Machine Learning, Neurocomputing, Bioinformatics, BMC Bioin- formatics, The Plant Journal
Other Skills/Interests
- Languages: English (fluent), Russian (basics), German (native)
- Computer Languages: Basic, Pascal, Assembler (x86, 8080, 680x0), C, C++, E, Java, Python, Perl, Octave, Matlab, R
- Familiar with basic Windows software (Visual C++, Office, Photoshop), LATEX
- UNIX/Linux system administration, Webdesign
- Debian GNU Linux developer
- Demo and Tool- programming, electronics, mathematics, swimming, table tennis, diving, surfing, badminton