
RSS Feed: About

Education and Qualifications

1997 - 2002Humboldt-University, Berlin
major course: Computer Science
minor course: Physics
(specialized in Graphs and Algorithms, AI, Signal Processing)
voluntary: English
1999Vordiplom in Computer Science
July 2002Diplom in Computer Science
Dezember 2008Doctorial Thesis "Machine Learning for Genomic Sequence Analysis" at the Technische Universität Berlin (graduation to Dr. rer. nat. with mark summa cum laude)

Work Experience

September 1997Internship at TERRATOOLS (Game Development)
1998Internship at Fraunhofer IPK, Research Project Process Optimization
1999Internship at the Institute for Meteorology at the Free University Berlin, 3D Weather Visualization
1999 - 2002Internship at GMD in the Intelligent Data Analysis group (IDA)
2002 - 2004Project work and System administration at the IDA group at Fraunhofer FIRST
2005 - 2008Research scientist at Fraunhofer FIRST.IDA and TU-Berlin
January 2009Postdoc at the Fraunhofer-Institute FIRST
February-September 2009Postdoc at the Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratory of the Max Planck Society
2009-2011Postdoc at the Berlin Institute of Technologie
Since September 2011Senior Software Developer/Algorithm Engineer at TomTom


  • PhD Thesis got nominated by the TU-Berlin for the Gesellschaft für Informatik Dissertationspreis 2008
  • Outstanding Student Paper Award at ISMB 2008
  • Hugo-Geiger Preis 2003 for my Diploma Thesis (FHG Pressemitteilung (pdf), FIRST Pressemitteilung (html))
  • Institutspreis Informatik 2003 for Diploma Thesis "New Methods for Splice Site Recognition"

Services to the Research Community

  • Main author of the shogun machine learning toolbox (a bioinformatics toolbox with focus on large scale kernel methods,
  • JMLR Action Editor of the Machine Learning Open Source Software track
  • Co-organizer of the large scale learning challenge and workshop
  • Co-organizer of NIPS workshops on Machine Learning Open Source Software
  • Reviews for: IEEE-(TPAMI,CVI,TNN,SP,TCBB), JMLR, ICML, ECML, Neural Computation, Machine Learning, Neurocomputing, Bioinformatics, BMC Bioin- formatics, The Plant Journal

Other Skills/Interests

  • Languages: English (fluent), Russian (basics), German (native)
  • Computer Languages: Basic, Pascal, Assembler (x86, 8080, 680x0), C, C++, E, Java, Python, Perl, Octave, Matlab, R
  • Familiar with basic Windows software (Visual C++, Office, Photoshop), LATEX
  • UNIX/Linux system administration, Webdesign
  • Debian GNU Linux developer
  • Demo and Tool- programming, electronics, mathematics, swimming, table tennis, diving, surfing, badminton

