
RSS Feed: Open Source


I am actively promoting open source software in the field of machine learning. I have co-organized workshops on machine learning open source software. Furthermore, I was involved in establishing a new track in the Journal of Machine Learning Research focusing on open source software (of which I am now one of the action editors). Recently, I became a Debian Developer and I am now packaging machine learning and other (scientific) software for Debian. Finally, I am the main author of the open source machine learning Shogun toolbox, which includes all of the algorithmic implementations I used and developed in my research.

Machine Learning Open Source Software

JMLR is now publishing Machine Learning Open Source Software

JMLR The Journal of Machine Learning Research now publishes contributions related to implementations of non-trivial machine learning algorithms, toolboxes or even languages for scientific computing. In case you are developing (or already have developed) machine learning open source software (MLOSS) get yourself a JMLR paper in the JMLR-MLOSS track. - The Machine Learning Open Source Software Repository Complementing this effort we have been setting up is a portal for any kind of machine learning open source software. It features We ask you to contribute your (mature or immature), big and small code snippets. has been written from scratch using Django by the mloss team (currently Mikio, Cheng and me).


In September 2008, I became an official Debian developer. I would like to take the opportunity to thank my sponsor Torsten Werner for all his work and endless patience that made creating debian packages fun. We still meet occasionally at C-Base doing package maintenance and discussion open source and debian related issues. Without Ana Beatriz Guerrero López who took the burden of being my Application Manager for almost 10 months I would not have made it into the project - so thanks!

DebianGiven my machine learning background I am naturally interested in packaging all kinds of machine learning software for debian. Since machine learning software benefits from other scientific fields like operations research I am additionally packaging such software too. Together with Aramian Wasilek I am packaging the Coin-OR mathematical programming software. The full list of packages I maintain can be seen here.

Machine Learning Data Set Repository

Patrik Hoyer, Cheng Soon Ong, Mikio Braun and me are behind an effort to standardize machine learning data formats and to create a machine learning data set repository called in close resemblance to Our aim is to provide a service to the machine learning community that enables reproducible research with as little effort as possible. People will be able to upload and download data sets in various formats including our newly developed hdf5 based standard format. On such data sets they can define learning tasks, group tasks into challenges and submit solutions to particular tasks to get live feedback. We will be publicly announcing this website at NIPS*2010 at the demo session.

About Me

Sören Sonnenburg Dr. Sören Sonnenburg
Machine Learning / Bioinformatics Research Scientist
Berlin, Germany

